Month 5 Adapt and Change
Tiphareth - where you find the link between the worlds of personality and the world of the soul.
What isn’t working in harmony for you? How can you adapt and change to help things ease into more alignment? Here you learn to work with the energies of the Sun and the midpoint of the Tree of Life.
Before this temple please consider what soul commitment you want to make, what are you aligning with.
You will walk through the Temperance/Art card onto this path, have it near of be familiar with an image from a deck you like. You can google one if you don’t have a tarot deck. It’s the image that’s important, not the physicality of it.
Month 6
Cause and Effect
Geburah. Every action has an equal or opposite reaction. Karma
Have some idea of what you’d like to throw into the flames, what you want to release. It may also come to you in the moment!
You walk through the Tarot card of Justice, Adjustment, to move into this temple. Familiarise yourself with it before the temple.