Meditation Hints
If you’ve not done much meditation, or are new to it, here’s video to help you find your flow.
Painting With Light
Message to the Universe
In this meditation you get to post a reminder to the Universe, to make it clear what your wishes are for the year or months ahead.
Be specific, super specific! Then feel what it would be like to achiever your goal.
Glitter Ball
Maybe I spent way to much of my childhood in community centres where that glitter ball was a big deal?
Either way, it’s a great way of deflecting unwanted energy, and so glam!
Drop The Past
In this meditation you’re asked to look at what’s weighing you down, what you no longer need and wish to leave behind.
I find it useful to do this on a regular basis, once a month suits me, but whatever works for you!
Drawing Down the Sun
Linking your conscious mind and your subconscious mind. It brings clarity as you focus on what it is the Sun shines its light on.
In astrology, your ‘star’ sign is in fact your Sun sign. A clue to your purpose perhaps?
Painting with Light
Use the energy of the light to help manifest the answers to a question. It can be a shape, a guide, a tarot card.
Anything that works for you is possible, just let go and let the answer form!
Wheel of Fortune
We don’t always get what we want, nor the way we want it; but there’s no harm in asking!
A chance to make a request for the wheel to turn in your favour. .
Spirit Guide
A journey inwards, a journey to meet and communicate with your guides and helpers.
Helps you identify new guides as well as contact those know.
Force and Form
An intimate meeting with Khanum, the Egyptian God of Pottery, who shows you how you’re made.
A great way to heal, to accept the flaws in all of us.
Building a Bubble
Being in the world not of it, it’s not an easy thing to do. This meditation could help.
Be more conscious of how you interact with the world.
The Qabalistic Prayer
If you can’t chant it yourself, if you want to have some guidance on how to chant it, or you want to play this as you chant. Use wisely. When the prayer is over there’s a short piece of music to help build energy.
Metatron’s Retreat
Metatron’s retreat: Get comfortable and take the journey to Metatron’s retreat where he will give you access to more than one past life. This is a chance to see the root of a theme, a gift or a challenge.
Tarot/Oracle Meditation
Take a card at random or choose a card you want to explore more and have it with you as you begin this meditation. A way to explore its meaning in more depth or work with its energy.
Making a Choice
Balancing your choices, a way to work out what’s next for you by putting your pro’s and con’s on a scale, seeing where you can add or take away some energy and how new choices could work.
Crystal Bath
Soak in the light of a crystal bath. Replenish your energy.
Interwoven Light
Wrap yourself in a protective light. Build your energy.
Moon Goddess
Converse with your inner goddess under a moonlit sky.
Karmic Connection
The who, they why, maybe find the way forward?
Past Life Mirror
Who where you? What did you look like? Take look.
Elders and Guides
Go to the wisdom of those who know you best of all.
Elemental Balance
Let the Elementals balance your Earth, Air, Fire and Water.
Crystal Meditation
Grab your favourite crystal and get to know it better.
Magical Image
Pull on the courage, strength, energy you need.
Chord Cutting
Release yourself from chains that bind with the help of Khamael.
As Above . .
One for the astrologer in you. Find a key astrological influence.
Meet Your Planets
Link with Mercury, Venus, Pluto; maybe Neptune? You choose.