Here you begin to climb the Tree using the paths. Take care as you climb, be sure-footed and take all your choices seriously.
You are now more adept at using the Tree in your life and should be aware that the expressions ‘As Above, So Below’ and ‘As Within, So Without’ are no T-Shirt affirmations, they are very real.
Some will call you more than others, just as the Sephiroth did, but all will make their mark. They follow the same format as before, information, experience, temple, consolidation. As you progress feel free to revisit temples and paths as required, but please, don’t do more than one temple or path in the same week at least, month would be better. Give yourself time to fully embrace the experiences offered.
32nd Path
The World/Universe
Begin again, the word ‘again’ can feel exhausting, here we go, one more turn! Truth is we are constantly going again, both big and small turns. The format for the paths will differ slightly, you’re encouraged to seek the meaning of the symbols for you, to build the branches of your own Tree, to find what spiritual and earthly paths ring true for you.
The Pathworking
The Ateh Malkuth prayer is not present at the start of this recording, nor any of the pathworkings. You can play it from the library, or you can chant it on your own. Your choice.
The Pathworking
The Ateh Malkuth prayer is not present at the start of this recording, nor any of the pathworkings. You can play it from the library, or you can chant it on your own. Your choice.